Inspection date Dec 2018 Rated GOOD 


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Staff are well qualified and the quality of their teaching is good. They get to know the children well and use this information to help them plan stimulating experiences that motivate children’s interests. For example, in response to younger children’s interest in animal noises. Staff hide different animals in shaving foam and encourage the children to find them and make the corresponding animal sounds. They extend children’s learning, as they count the number of legs together and make suggestions about what they think the animals eat. Older children enjoy practising their mark-making skills and recognise some familiar letters. Staff routinely introduce mathematics in to children’s play and games. For example, children compare different sizes and categorise groups of items.

Children are confident to follow and initiate their own play ideas. They demonstrate their growing independence, for example, they put their own coats on and help to tidy away their toys. Children make good progress from their individual starting points and develop key skills that will support them when they make the move on to school. Children are active learners who display high levels of concentration and motivation during their play. They enjoy learning about the community in which they live. For example, staff regularly take children on outings, such as visits to the library and local park.

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