Inspection date December 2018 Rated GOOD 


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Children are happy, settled and displayed high levels of involvement in their play and
learning. Staff establish warm and caring relationships with the children. Their calm
and attentive approach helps to promote children’s social and emotional well-being.

Children develop good language and communication skills. Staff constantly engage
children in meaningful conversation and ask relevant questions to challenge their
thinking. Staff use one-to-one and small group times to develop children’s vocabulary
and promote their speaking and listening skills. Children enjoy learning new songs and
sharing familiar stories.

Children behave well. They learn to share, take turns and follow instructions. They are
beginning to understand and accept the needs and opinions of others. Children who
have special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff are sensitive
in their interactions and offer lots of praise and encouragement to promote children’s
positive self-esteem.

Staff have established good partnerships with parents. They regularly share information
about their children’s progress with them and suggest ideas on how they can further
extend learning at home.

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